General Electric Rail Services (4/2000-1/2016) |
BackgroundReporting marks are for Dominion Malting Ltd. Reporting mark added 4/2000 and eliminated 4/2021. | Data has been taken from the following ORERs (MM/YY): 4/2000-7/2020 & 4/2021. |
Number | AAR | Description | #Blt | In-Svc. Dates | IL | IH | Dr. | Cu.Ft. | Bldr. | Blt. Dates | Notes |
10000-10035 | LO | Cyl. Cov. Hopper | 35 | 4/2000-7/2020 | 59.0* |   |   | 4650 | NSC | 4/79-7/80 | Stl. x? c/2000. |
This compilation © 2021 by Ian Cranstone