Canadian General Transit (4/1957-4/1982) |
BackgroundFor some reason the CGBX reporting mark has been well travelled, with these cars now with their third owner although the previous two continue to exist. Canadian General Transit had used this reporting mark earlier from the 1950s to the 1970s to handle a small fleet of tank box cars. Reporting mark was added 4/1957, and transferred to Procor in 7/1982. | Data has been taken from the following ORERs (MM/YY): 4/1957, 10/1957-4/1959, 10/1959-4/1961, 10/1961-7/1962, 1/1963, 7/1963, 1/1964-7/1964, 1/1965-10/1965, 4/1966-4/1971, 10/1971-4/1972, 10/1972-1/1973, 7/1973, 1/1974, 1/1979 & 7/1979-4/2020 & 4/2022-7/2022. No cars were listed after 4/2018 |
Number | AAR | Description | #Blt | In-Svc. Dates | IL | IH | Dr. | Cu.Ft. | Bldr. | Blt. Dates | Notes |
301 | TMU | Tank | 2 | 4/1960-10/1961 |   |   |   | 2505i | ? | ? | Multi-unit tank with 15 containers, each holds 1 ton of chlorine. xWCX 101? c/59-/60, re#CGTX 301. |
601-612 | XT | Tank Boxcar | 12 | 4/1957-4/1982 | 40.7 | 9.5 |   | 6700 | ? | 11-12/39 | Stl. Liquid oxygen svc. xLAPX/SERX /57, re#CGMX 601-609? /82. |
613-614 | " | " | " | 1/1960-4/1982 | " | " |   |   | ? | ? | Stl. Liquid oxygen svc. xLAPX/SERX? /59, re#CGMX 610-612? /82. |
615 | XT | Tank Boxcar | 4 | 1/1970-4/1982 | 40.6 | 10.5 |   |   | ? | ? | Stl. Liquid oxygen svc. xLAPX/SERX /69, re#CGMX 615? /82. |
616 | " | " | " | 7/1969-4/1982 | " | " |   |   | ? | ? | Stl. Liquid oxygen svc. xLAPX/SERX? /69, re#CGMX 616? /82. |
651-652 | " | " | " | 4/1957-4/1982 | " | " |   |   | ? | ? | Stl. Liquid oxygen svc. xLAPX/SERX? /57. |
680 | XT | Tank Boxcar | 1 | 10/1965-4/1982 | 51.5* |   |   |   | ? | ? | Beer svc. re#CGMX 680? |
4000-4089 | T | Tank | 90 | 10/1979-1/2004 |   |   |   | 19800 | HST | 11/79 | Stl. Ethylene Dichloride svc. |
4090-4124 | T | Tank | 35 | 10/1981-1/2004 |   |   |   | 19600 | HST | 6-7/81 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Glycol svc. |
4300-4359 | T | Tank | 60 | 4/1980-1/2004 | 48.0* |   |   | 20700 | HST | 4/80 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Ethylene Glycol svc. re#TCIX 4300-4359. |
4360-4394 | T | Tank | 35 | 4/1980-1/2004 |   |   |   | 20700 | HST | 5/81 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Ethylene Glycol svc. |
T | Tank | 22 | 4/1981-1/2004 | 43.1*? |   |   | 17600 | HST | 10-11/81 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Carbon tetrachloride/chlorinated solvents svc. some re#TCIX 5000-5021? | |
5022-5029 | T | Tank | 8 | 4/1981-1/2004 | 43.1*? |   |   | 17600 | HST | 11/81 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. some re#TCIX 5022-5029? |
T | Tank | 205 | 10/1979-4/2018 | 45.5* |   |   | 16000 | HST | 4-11/79 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Caustic soda svc. some re#TCIX 6000-6204. | |
T | Tank | 100 | 4/1980-4/2018 | 45.5* |   |   | 16000 | HST | 3/80 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. Caustic soda svc. re#TCIX 6205-6304. | |
6305-6383 | T | Tank | 79 | 4/1980-4/2018 |   |   |   | 16000 | HST | 7-9/81 | Stl. DOT-111A100W1. |
This compilation © 2022 by Ian Cranstone